resumes via Google Docs:

(one page IT/Consulting) - Word Format

(3 page IT/Consulting/Software Engineer) - Word Format

2018 Alternate Format

I am currently doing mostly Information Technology support and design;

My current contracts are Doctors' offices, lawyers (SOHO), and a lighting company's IT support. I was writing courseware material for a training vendor to the DoD and other government entities in INFOSEC (mostly writing labs and providing all sorts of random "how do we do this?" kind of solutions like (Hyper-V, VMware and Oracle VirtualBox) images for instructors and students)...

I have worked in Assembly language on x86 BIOS powerups, diagnostics and display units (mostly OEM to KODAK, Industrial Electronics Engineers), I have written application programs for Property Management (long ago in INFOS and PL/1 on Data General) and in Basic on the original IBM PCs. I've also written front-to-back API specifications and sample code to illustrate usage, helped with communications protocols and banged my head really really hard on forcing code in Visual Basic to monitor real-time processes and annunciate data meaningfully in a production environment.

I have trained users, written technical documents and manuals, and even transitioned a development team (inhouse to outsource).

Primary responsibilities:

- onsite and remote troubleshooting of complex systems (from Terminal Data, Cardkey, Excellon Automation, Northrop Grumman...) and currently supporting doctor's offices, an attorney, and a US Government training contractor (MMSGOV)

- consulting for Industrial Electronics Engineers (Debian in a embedded environment), various other consulting clients like MMSGOV, CSUN classes (recently)

- many years of design and plan breakdown, milestones and critical path (MS project) where "Hmm -- that isn't going to work" often comes up. Example: a communications protocol at Excellon Automation based on RS-486 hardware that was modified to use Ethernet protocol, problem was multiple "talkers" asserted request to talk by dragging comm line to ground -- while all others sourced it high to Vcc which caused EACH controller to reboot whenever there was a conflict. (Using Z80 based microcontrollers). Another is a reporting system (last year) where the default query when you opened the report returned ALL the data items with a chance for selection only AFTER the entire dataset had been transferred (took minutes to hours for data to populate -- Limewire clone called ( ) and both outsourced).

- in real life and in classroom (Oracle, mySql, MS SQL, PostgreSQL), did transaction queries to correlate errors in reporting with journalled data from the provider (T-Mobile cellphone data), SQL queries throughout medtronic minimed products, current support work with doctor's offices using MS SQL 2008, 2012).

- Taking over an existing (broken) InstallShield implementation and the product behind it for a medical device manufacturer, providing fixes/updates as well as the initial corrections to the image (Medtronic).

- Terminal Data Corp (clients included Burroughs, Kodak, NCR), Cardkey Systems (Guard tour monitoring for facilities), Automated Inspection (Ultrasound inspection equipment at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Korean Textiles?, Brunswick Aerospace), Interplay Games (AOL games), Excellon Automation (Factory automation at FUBA in Dresden, Prestwick Circuits in Scotland, ...), Northrop Grumman / California Microwave for DoD), ...

- Onsite install and troubleshooting for Cardkey (local to LA area), Excellon (Europe)

Work Samples:

A google-drive directory of SWE samples to peruse including:



GADS (google Active Directory)

INFOSEC (Information Security) samples -- basically documentation for training

Medtronic specific -- Calling out a documentation sample

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